On August 19, Hong Kong police raided a Pokemon TCG shop that allegedly contained 16kg of methamphetamine in the designated “staff-only area.”As reported by the South China Morning Post, this Pokemon TCG shop in the residential district Hung Hom would host tournaments, and trading excursions, with groups of children and teenagers playing the beloved TCG together. Though police confirmed that none of these children or teenagers were involved in the purchasing of said drugs, it was a surprise to Hong Kong Narcotics Bureau Inspector Liong Chun-Hin.“Storing such a large quantity of narcotics in a place where teenagers and children can visit is irresponsible and disgraceful behavior that also heightens the possible risk of teenagers and children mistakenly encountering illegal drugs,” Chun-Hin told the local media.Chun-Hin explains that the upstairs Pokemon TCG store had been operating as a storage unit for more than a month before the police had pinned down its location.In April of last year, The Pokemon Company spoke of a printing-company worker who had allegedly stolen a stack of rare cards from the Fusion Strike set to sell to his local game shop. This has been considered the “l…

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The next major patch for Baldur’s Gate 3 is approaching, and Larian is continuing to tease some of the new evil-ending cinematics that will be added to the game. The latest sneak preview shows a glimpse at what could happen if you give in to the Dark Urge’s titular desires–beware of spoilers if you’re reading on.The new teaser posted by Larian Studios shows what could happen to your companions should the player give in to the Urge, accompanied by the caption “Father would be so proud.”

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  1. Mortal Kombat 1 Sektor vs Tanya Gameplay

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  • Monster Hunter Wilds will allow players to mix and match armor pieces from both genders, regardless of the character they create. Revealed during the Monster Hunter Wilds developer livestream during Gamescom, Capcom showed a character equipping both male and female armor pieces from the same armor set, where they confirmed the feature would be in the new entry.While this might not sound like a big deal, this is the first time in the Monster Hunter series that armor isn’t locked to your created character’s gender. In previous entries, there were different designs for each armor set: one for male characters and one for female. While the two different sets will still be present in Monster Hunter Wilds, you will no longer be forced into one set or the other. Instead, you can choose which version of the armor set you want for each individual piece.

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    The Dark Pictures Anthology, Supermassive’s long-running horror franchise of games that tend to play like interactive movies, is getting some major overhauls to its gameplay mechanics with Directive 8020, as revealed at Gamescom Opening Night Live. The next game in the series will be the first to be set in outer space and stars Lashana Lynch from Bob Marley: One Love and The Woman King.Supermassive revealed a new trailer for the game during Gamescom Opening Night Live, that hinted at its story–a doomed spaceship, a crew of future victims, and an everpresent alien threat. It surely sounds like Alien, but that’s surely on purpose too. The game’s monster is also capable of disguising itself as other lifeforms, so there’s even a wrinkle of The Thing here. But what’s most notable is how Directive 8020 will build on the game’s traditional mechanics of exploration, decision-making, and forming relationships with other characters that impact the story. Though these elements remain intact for the movie-like game, new twists have been revealed, too. This includes the way the monster poses a “real-time” threat, which seems to call back to Alien: Isolation’s way of having the monster…

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    Fortnite’s new Marvel-dominated season kicked off with a bang on Friday, flooding the island with all sorts of Marvel goodies like various weapons inspired by War Machine’s abilities, Captain America’s vibranium shield, and Doctor Doom’s gauntlets. Two of the items–Cap’s Shield and War Machine’s Arsenal, particularly when used in conjunction with the new hover jets–were overly difficult to fight against, which immediately led to a new meta in which you either had those items, or you were killed by someone who did.Now, just five days into the new season, Epic Games has introduced several nerfs to Captain America’s Shield and War Machine’s Arsenal.

    Captain America’s Shield will now break m…

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    Earlier this summer, Nintendo released the unsettling first look at Emio – The Smiling Man, before revealing that it’s a long-awaited sequel to the Famicom Detective Club games. The game will be arriving before the end of the month, but players won’t have to wait that long to get their hands on it because the first chapter will be released as a demo next week.Nintendo has announced that it will be releasing multiple demos for Emio – The Smiling Man, starting with Chapter 1 on August 19. Additional chapters will be added on August 22 and August 27. And in a nice touch, players’ progress through each chapter can be carried over to the full game when it is released.

    So far, what we kno…

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